Hubbell Flood Lights
Hubbell Flood Light products are offered in a variety of sizes and also with a variety of NEMA distribution for specific lighting applications. Hubbell Flood lights feature a dense optical array which provides reduced pixelation and increased visual comfort without compromising performance.
RFL2 Ratio Floodlight
3,500 Lumens
Compact LED flood with a variety of NEMA distribution for lighting applications such as safety/security, accent, flag pole, columns, or signs.
RFL3 Ratio Floodlight
5,000/8,000 Lumens
Compact LED flood with a variety of NEMA distribution for lighting applications such as safety/security, accent, flag pole, columns, or signs.
RFL4 Ratio Floodlight
12,000/15,000 Lumens
Medium LED flood with a variety of NEMA distribution for lighting applications such as safety/security, accent, flag pole, columns, or signs.
RFL4 Ratio Floodlight
18,000/25,000/32,000 Lumens
Large LED flood with a variety of NEMA distribution for lighting applications such as safety/security, accent, flag pole, columns, or signs.