Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
Ensuring you have the best available options to maximize cash flow.
Effective & Efficient Lighting Solutions
Lighting upgrades are just one of many services that ESCOs provide for their customers. Stouch Lighting can make the process of implementing LED products more effective and efficient by making sure that you have the best options available to achieve the cash flow objectives and energy/maintenance requirements needed for your project.
Recent News
Explore all the benefits of LEDs and why they're becoming the norm in the lighting industry!
Key Lighting Upgrades to Attract More Little League Tournaments to Your Field
The Best Lighting Layouts for Recreational Softball Fields
Top 3 Lighting Issues Faced by Little League Fields and How to Fix Them
The Ultimate Guide to Little League Field Lighting: Standards, Costs, and Best Practices
Types of Lighting and Their Applications
Client Testimonial
"The [LED] lights drastically reduce energy and maintenance costs in Upper Chichester, which we are very excited about. Additionally, I am sure the residents and guests who use the rec center are going to love the upgraded lighting as well."
Judy Lizza, Township Manager, Upper Chichester Township
Download the E-book
Lighting Comparison: LED vs. Traditional Lighting
An in depth examination of the key differences and advantages of LED lighting in comparison to traditional lighting
Things You'll Learn:
- Benefits and features of LED lighting
- Overview of older lighting technologies like Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, and Fluorescent
- Compare how and why LED lighting is leaps and bounds the preferred lighting technology