UV Disinfection for Indoor Air Quality
Disinfect air (and surfaces) with UV light technology
Available UV Light Disinfection:
1.) UV Light for Indoor Air Quality
2.) UV Light for Surface and Air Disinfection
Germicidal UV technology is implemented in a variety of ways and can be used to disinfect both air and surfaces. Major differences between surface and air disinfection is that some UV-C equipment must be used while the room is unoccupied, while other UVC products can be used while the room is occupied.
UV Air Purification
UV light equipment that provides continuous UV air disinfection for occupied spaces. There are (2) primary methods of UV Air Purification that can be implemented. Each of which has multiple product types that can be utilized:
In-Room Air Sanitization
- UV Fans
- Upper Air UV
UV Light for HVAC
- In-Duct UV Air Purifier
- On-Coil UV Disinfection
In-Room Air Sanitizers
UV Air Purifiers that offer In-Room disinfection are typically wall mounted or mobile fixtures that cover up to 800 Sq. Ft per unit. These products utilize internal fan and filtration systems that circulate the air within a room over UVC Lamps. As pathogens within the air are exposed to the UVC light, causing damage to the germs DNA, leaving them unable to reproduce and cause illnesses.
UV Air Fans: UVC Fans are designed to disinfect air in occupied spaces and can be mobile enough to transfer to multiple spaces if needed. They are usually very quiet machines that covers about 2,000 cubic feet. These units are usually intended for smaller spaces like bathrooms, smaller class rooms and offices:
Upper Room UV: Units are installed in high areas of a room, usually above people's heads where the rays do not come into direct contact with people. This is the specific type of UV-C is recommended by the CDC as a viable means to improve air quality. With this type of disinfection, the top layer of air is disinfected by the unit and circulated to the bottom layer, where people are breathing.
UV Light for HVAC Systems
HVAC UV systems disinfect the air as it flows through the HVAC system, either at the AHU or within the duct-work itself, eradicating viruses, bacteria, molds and spores.. This type of UV barrier inhibits the proliferation of pathogens settling inside the Air Condition Unit. In addition, the creation of biofilm is inhibited, increasing the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and comfort.
In-Duct UV Air Purifier: UV disinfection systems mounted in new or existing duct systems (you don't even have to get new duct work). They control the spread of airborne toxins by killing germs in the air before it circulates
On Coil UV Disinfection: For continuous disinfection for both coils and moving air in ventilators, fan coil units, and large AHUs. Excellent for eliminating biofilms.
UV Air & Surface Disinfection
UV light surface disinfection systems provide localized surface disinfection and spot treatment. These units should only be used to disinfect unoccupied spaces.
In addition to the target surfaces, the air between the UV unit and the target surface is also sanitized, as light passes through the air to disinfect the surface. These units cannot be used when the room is occupied, and thus, are designed with sensors and controls, meaning the units automatically shut off when someone enters the room, or they can be programmed to operate at a specific time or integrated into a building's automation system (BAS).
UVC disinfection systems for surfaces are the most quantifiably effective way to inactivate pathogens.
There are (3) primary methods that UV Light provides surface disinfection. Each of which can NOT be used when a space is occupied.

Fixed Position & Ceiling Mounted UV Disinfection Systems
UV fixtures that can be mounted in the ceiling, suspended, or on the wall. These units can be implemented with scheduled commissioning, integration into the facility Building Automation System (BAS), or simply utilized on demand. Multiple fixtures can be installed in a room or space, providing a scalable method of UVC disinfection for both large and small spaces.

Portable & Mobile UV Light Systems
UVC Mobile units utilize the same fixture technically as Fixed-Position UV disinfection units, however they are mounted on stands that can moved via folding tri-pods or rolling castors. These units or carts can be moved easily from room to room to disinfect multiple spaces. Mobile units most often utilize a on-demand single cycle operation and are designed to provide user flexibility in deployment. Similar to Fixed-Position UV disinfection fixtures, multiple mobile units can be deployed in a space, providing scalable disinfection for large or small spaces.
UV Robots
These fully-automatic UV machines disinfect high traffic areas and shared spaces and can disinfect up to 1,000 feet of linear surface areas in an 8-hour shift. Scheduling of disinfection can be initiated or modified from anywhere using a mobile device, browser, or integration with a scheduling system.
Each these options can disinfect on demand with preset and controllable cycles. You can even run the cycles overnight or whenever the spaces are unoccupied, and all fixtures have automatic shutoff sensors if anyone enters the space during disinfection. (You can read more on Germicidal UVC Safety here).
What's Next?
There are many UV-C products and manufacturers, so we understand finding the right product can be confusing. We are manufacturer neutral, which means we help find the best products that fit your needs. We can create a customized UV-C plan for you to ensure you're purchasing the right products for your space(s)! To chat with one of our specialists about UV-C lighting, you can contact us here, or click below to schedule a call: